Personal Safety & Self Defence for Professionals, Women and Girls

The Safety Box run a number of self defence training programs through our protection courses arm of the business for professionals working both in the public and private sector.

We have trained professionals who have worked for the Army, Security Service, Police, Prison Officers, Social Workers, Corporate Bankers, City workers, Nurses and Health Care / Care Workers.

All our programs are built with the insight gained from the experience of our work with offenders, we use a real approach to all of our self defence strategies.

The Safety Box F.A.S.T (Fear, Adrenalised, Stress, Training) defence courses shows participants how the body reacts under severe, adrenaline fuelled encounters and then how to turn that reaction into a positive outcome. The defences are practiced full-on against our padded ‘Bulletmen’.

Simplicity is the key to all our skills. If it isn't simple, you'll probably not be able to utilise it under pressure.


We recognise that breakaway techniques are essential manoeuvres to break away from a potentially violent person without harming him or her, however what if they lash out and hit you and pick something up as a weapon. The Safety Box has worked with real offenders in Her Majesty and Prison Probation service and have a deep understanding of how people have been attacked in the past. All of our techniques have been developed with this knowledge and insight, we also utilise Gross Motor Functional movement for all our blocking series and weapon assisted attacks.

Why we use gross motor functional based self defence

The Safety Box uses gross motor functional blocking within all of our programs, which makes us different from many other providers. The reason for this is that during an attack the heart rate rapidly increases. Once the heart rate reaches over 145 beats per minute our complex motor skills (writing, small movements, martial arts skills) immediately begin to deteriorate.

When the heart exceeds 175 beats per minute adrenaline in the body is secreted at a rate that prohibits logical thought, peripheral vision is lost, hearing excludes everything not only that but tunnel vision and vascular constriction sets in as a natural way to reduce bleeding from any wounds you're about to suffer. Traditional martial art trained complex moves are very difficult to pull off and after combat freezing, begging for your life or the bladder emptying, the only movements you have left is gross motor skills; namely. Running, Large Circular Movements, Wide and Big movements with your arms, or charging, kicking or curling up.


This program can be taught in 3 hours (excluding some topics) or as a day booking.

Avoidance, Awareness and Prevention

Spotting potential danger

  • Building Awareness Strategies

  • The effects of adrenaline, the brain and stress

  • Verbal de-escalation techniques

  • Understand the importance of non-verbal communication

  • Undertake a Dynamic Risk Assessment

  • Body Language and Body Posture in attack prevention

  • Verbal Defence & The Law

  • Reactionary Distancing, Strangles & Lock Escapes

  • Reactionary Distancing, Strangles & Lock Escapes

  • Understanding Domestic Violence & where to find help

  • Using Body Weight in Personal Protection

  • Safety against Stalkers

  • Avoiding Street Robberies and Phone Snatching

  • Gross Motor-functional Movement Blocking (Utilising SAFE Simple, Adaptable, Fast and Effective

  • Controlling the attackers knife hand

  • The knife lines of attack (Danger Zones)

  • Blocking against a knife

•       Intro Defending against a knife attack level 1. (Static)

•       Intro Defending against a knife attack level 2. (Slashes) 

•       Intro Defending against knife attacks level 3. (Rear hand grip, forward hand grip Thrusts) 

Ground Activity

•       Break-falls

•       Intro Throws and Take Downs

•       Rape Defence (Floor and Wall)


•       Dynamic Stress Simulation Drill


End of Workshop.

We train people's bodies how to respond appropriately 

The Safety Box Self Defence program for professionals is designed also to aid people on how to defend themselves effectively against a knife, how women can protect themselves and also how to avoid gun cross fire. We take safeguarding very serious and train participants at a very real level of physical conflict using both rubber and blunt metallic knifes. We take a realistic, multi-sensory, practical and strategic approach to deal with the instinctual gross-motor body movement when in a state of adrenaline secretion.

We train people's bodies how to respond appropriately under a fear or anger induced stress conditions, simulated in a competitive scenario. Our training methods have been used in real life by both military personal and highly trained combat experts.

Programs available

Our programs are specifically designed to teach the correct reactions in an unexpected crisis situation and when faced with a real violent aggressor. We train people how to defend themselves effectively

The courses run as follows:

  • 1.5 Introduction into Women’s Self Defence

  • 3 hour Hour Personal Safety & Self Defence Workshop

  • Half Day (4 Hours) Personal Protection and Knife Defence Program

  • 4 Week Self Defence Program for Professionals (2 hours a week)

  • 6 Week Personal Protection Program (2 hours a week)

If you are looking for a professionally delivered service with experts in the field, contact us today.